Office rental - CBD

Discover our office rental listings in the Central Business District (CBD). Our team will help you find the right workspace for your needs: private offices, coworking spaces, entire buildings.

hopper collections la casa deskeo

La Casa Deskeo - Victoire

10 rue de la Victoire, 75009
Paris 9 Victoire – Location salle de réunion
Meeting rooms

Paris 09 - Victoire

10 rue de la Victoire, 75009 Paris
open space
60 - 130
Private work spaces

Rent an office Paris 09 - La Fayette

36 rue Lafayette, 75009 Paris
12 - 180
Private work spaces

Rent an office Paris 08 - Saint-Petersbourg

36 rue Saint-Petersbourg, 75008 Paris
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open space
20 - 300
Private work spaces

Rent an office Paris 09 - Provence

49 rue de Provence, 75009 Paris
100 - 150
Private work spaces

Rent an office Paris 02 - Sainte-Anne

63 rue Sainte-Anne, 75002 Paris
Private work spaces

Rent an office Paris 02 - Bourse - Banque

17 rue de la banque, 75002 Paris
private office
35 - 85
Private work spaces

Rent an office Paris 09 - Haussmann - Opéra

32 Boulevard Haussmann, 75009 Paris
15 - 25
Private work spaces

Rent an office Paris 02 - Bourse

12 rue de la Bourse, 75002 Paris
event spaces
Event spaces

Paris - Victoire

10 rue de la Victoire, 75009 Paris
35 - 100
Meeting rooms

Paris - SoPi

81 rue de clichy 75009 Paris
35 - 100
Event spaces

Paris - SoPi

81 rue de clichy, 75009 Paris
grand opéra building
Private work spaces

Rent an office Paris 09 - Grand Opéra

11 rue de la Chaussée d'Antin, 75009 Paris
100 - 200
Private work spaces

Rent an office Paris 02 - Poissonnière

19 rue Poissonnière, 75002 Paris
open space
30 - 160
Private work spaces

Rent an office Paris 09 - Saint-Lazare

12 rue d'Amsterdam, 75009 Paris
30 - 70
Private work spaces

Rent an office Paris 02 - Italiens

29 boulevard des italiens, 75002 Paris
conviviality space
90 - 200
Private work spaces

Rent an office Paris 08 - Matignon

89/91 rue du Faubourg Saint-Honoré, 75008 Paris
open space
20 - 75
Private work spaces

Rent an office Paris 02 - Opéra - Vendôme

35 Avenue de l'Opéra, 75002 Paris
25 - 145
Private work spaces

Rent an office Paris 02 - Opéra

32 avenue de l'Opéra, 75002 Paris
open space
-1 - 25
Private work spaces

Rent an office Paris 09 - Auber

12 rue Auber, 75009 Paris