love at work

Is it still possible to find love at work?

Paul Pouhin
2 min2020-02-14

Love is safe!

Even if the news is unfortunately punctuated by shady and often sordid affairs, the French remain optimistic and more than 67% think that it is still possible to find love in their workplace in 2020.

Work "relationships"...

Moreover, having a romantic relationship at work seems to be the case for more than 59% of French people. In detail, women are even more numerous, with 61% representing them, whereas men are only 56%. Men are more likely to seduce their close colleagues (42%), while women are divided between partners (35%) and colleagues (38%).

Long live the afterwork!

To find your soul mate in the office, nothing beats afterwork seminars or events. In fact, more than 46% of French people say that it was afterworks that helped them meet someone. Late-night meetings come second with 33%, just ahead of joint missions with 20%.

To be in love, let's not hide!

This could be the maxim for lovers at work. Even though 44% of men have tried to hide their love relationship (while only 35% of women have done so), over 59% of women have never tried to hide their love.

For life?

Apparently, these romantic encounters at work remain very ephemeral for the vast majority of French people. Indeed, for 51%, the romance will have lasted only a few hours, 23% a few days and 14% only a few months. Fortunately, 12% of the lucky ones seem to have really found the love of their life.

No... Nothing, you're welcome!

Whether the relationship was fleeting or eternal, in all cases there are no regrets. Thus, 84% of the women and 71% of the men surveyed said they did not regret having had a relationship at work.

Hot working

As for having sex in the office, only 44% of French people seem to have done so. On the other hand, making love at work remains a real fantasy for 79% of men and over 85% of women!

Saint's Day what?

If you were planning to give a gift to your sweetheart at work, you'd better change your mind... More than 71% of men and 92% of women would not like to receive a proof of love at work at all.

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