Do French employees manage to switch off during their holidays? The Deskeo Study
With the rise of remote working, a new phenomenon has emerged: "workation", the practice of working from your holiday destination. But what about traditional holidays? Do French employees really manage to slow down, or is pressing the pause button still a challenge?
To find out, Deskeo, the French leader in office operators and design, conducted an in-depth study.
French people and disconnecting: a fragile balance
First lesson from this study: despite the "right to disconnect", French employees mostly stay connected to their work during holidays. Although some manage to resist the temptation to check emails or answer work calls, the majority struggle to truly switch off. Work still seems to have its place, even under the parasol. In fact, 47% of respondents admit to checking their work emails "from time to time" and 27% "regularly". Only 26% manage to never check their emails. Work calls follow a similar trend.
When it comes to other work tasks, employees seem better able to slow down. Only 24% say they work "from time to time" on unfinished projects, and 13% admit to working "regularly". The majority (63%) wait until they return to the office to resume their activities.
Why continue working during holidays?
The reasons that push employees to maintain a connection with their work while on holiday are varied. Our study reveals that 37% of respondents feel that their responsibilities cannot wait, while 32% fear falling behind. For 22%, it's simply the difficulty of switching off. By comparison, only a small 9% of respondents say it's because their employer expects them to be available.
Interestingly, direct pressure from employers or colleagues seems to play a secondary role, suggesting that this continued connection is often a personal initiative.
An impact on well-being, but with nuances
Working during the holidays is rarely well accepted by those around us: 68% of respondents attest to this. Regarding the impact on their well-being, employees are divided. While 9% find this situation "very negative" and 35% "somewhat negative", 28% consider it "somewhat positive" and 5% "very positive". 23% of those surveyed remain neutral.
Back at the office, the impact on stress levels is mixed: 27% of employees feel "a little more stressed" and 12% "much more stressed". But for 39%, there is no noticeable difference, while 22% are even less stressed.
Moreover, the majority believe that this habit of working during the holidays does not affect long-term productivity: 68% think it has no effect, 19% believe it increases their productivity, while only 13% believe it reduces it.
How to better disconnect?
Faced with this observation, Deskeo surveyed employees on solutions that would allow them to better disconnect during their holidays. The answers are unequivocal:
- Limiting access to work emails,
- Appointing a substitute to handle emergencies, and
- Offering training on time and stress management are some of the approaches being considered.
- Finally, many believe that management has a crucial role to play in actively encouraging disconnection.
In conclusion, while "workations" are in vogue, true disconnection remains a challenge for many French employees. To achieve this, a collective effort between employees and employers seems necessary. Deskeo offers solutions tailored to the current needs of companies and their employees. Do not hesitate to contact us to learn more!
The final word
“Our study shows that many French employees struggle to disconnect completely during their vacations, despite the 'right to disconnect'. Many continue to check their e-mails and answer business calls. To safeguard employees' well-being, it is essential that companies actively promote disconnection. Concrete measures, such as limiting access to work emails and designating back-ups to handle emergencies, can help people make the most of their time off.” - Kim LE, CMO of Deskeo
*Online survey conducted by Deskeo across the entire French territory via email. 1,354 French employees responded between July 8th and 22nd, 2024.

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