
What are the ideal dimensions for a desk?

Laura Nieto
Laura Nieto
4 min2024-03-05

The ideal dimensions for a desk generally fall within:

  • Length: 120 to 180 cm
  • Depth: 60 to 80 cm
  • Height: 70 to 75 cm

However, these measurements may vary depending on individual needs.

Are you looking for the ideal dimensions for your future desk? Unsure how to choose? Don't worry, Deskeo will explain everything you need to know to choose a desk with dimensions that are right for you.

Design your office

Why is it important to have a desk with the right dimensions?

The size of a desk may sometimes seem like a trivial detail, but it is actually essential because an improperly sized desk can lead to:

  • Poor posture and pain in the back, shoulders, and neck.
  • Eye strain due to improper screen positioning.
  • Lack of space and storage.
  • Difficulty concentrating due to an unsuitable environment.

It is therefore essential to carefully consider the dimensions of your desk to create a workspace that allows you to work comfortably and productively over long periods. For office desks, don't hesitate to seek assistance from professionals in office design.

What are the standard dimensions of a professional desk?

When designing a desk for professional use, certain dimensions are commonly accepted to ensure optimal comfort for the user.


  • The length of an individual desk ranges from 120 to 180 cm. This range provides enough space to comfortably accommodate computer equipment, files, and other accessories while minimizing clutter.
  • The standard depth varies from 60 to 80 cm. A desk with a depth of at least 60 cm is recommended to allow easy positioning in one's seat. Beyond that, it can be adjusted based on available space and equipment to be installed.
  • The usual height ranges from 70 to 75 cm. This adjustment allows for a good balance between ease of use and maintaining proper posture.

In short, here's a summary of the typical dimensions of professional desks:

Length120 à 180 cm
Depth60 à 80 cm
Height70 à 75 cm

Of course, these dimensions may not suit everyone. That's why there are solutions to adapt your desk to your needs.

How to adjust the height of the desk to the user's height?

The user's height is a key factor to consider when determining the ideal desk height. Indeed, a work surface that is too high or too low can lead to a hunched posture that is detrimental to the back and shoulders.

It is therefore recommended to adjust the desk height so that the elbows are at a 90-degree angle when typing on the keyboard.

For an average-sized adult, the standard height is between 70 and 75 cm, but it may vary depending on your build and work habits.

Here are some tips to ensure that your desk is at the right height:

  • Sit at the desk and check that your elbows form a right angle when your forearms rest on it.
  • Your knees should form a 90-degree angle when your feet are flat on the floor.
  • If the desk is too high, use a footrest to compensate.
  • Preferably choose an adjustable height desk to easily adapt it to your needs.
  • Measure the distance between the floor and the fold of your elbow when your arm is relaxed at your side and add 10 to 15 cm to get an ergonomic desk height.

By following these recommendations, you can determine the perfect height for your body type and preserve your health at work. But height is not the only dimension to consider when choosing a desk. You also need to measure the size of the desktop to ensure you have the most suitable workspace for your needs.

What length and depth to choose for a professional desk?

Length and depth are two key dimensions to consider when choosing a professional desk. Let's take a closer look at the recommended characteristics for these two elements.

The length of the desk top

The ideal length of an individual professional desk generally ranges from 120 to 180 cm.

This dimension allows for comfortable installation of computer equipment, accessories, as well as work files and documents, while maintaining optimized space.

In short, the width should be adapted based on available space and the equipment to be positioned on the desk.

The depth of the desk top

For professional use, the recommended depth is 60 to 80 cm.

This dimension generally allows for easy access to equipment while being comfortably seated. It also helps keep the elbows at 90 degrees to relieve back and shoulder strain.

The depth can be adjusted based on the room space and the needs in terms of computer equipment and other items to be positioned on the desk.

And speaking of space, let's see how to size a desk according to the type of space it will be installed in.

How to size a desk according to different types of spaces?

The space you have largely determines the optimal dimensions for your desk. Therefore, you must consider the volume of the room when making your choice.

Desks for small interiors

When you have limited space, it is recommended to opt for:

  • A desk with compact dimensions, 100 cm wide and 60 cm deep.
  • An optimized and versatile model: Corner models are ideal for small spaces as they optimize the available space in the room. But you can also consider a compact rectangular desk, or a retractable model to free up space when the desk is not in use.

Desks for large spaces

If you have a generous space, you can opt for a much larger desk. You can then choose a rectangular model that can reach 200 cm in width and 90 cm in depth.

This allows for easier installation of computer equipment as well as numerous equipment and accessories while maintaining a clear workspace.

In this type of space, an L-shaped desk with a return is a particularly interesting option to enjoy a very functional workspace.

Custom desks

When faced with an atypical space, it can sometimes be difficult to find the perfect desk for the location.

In this case, having a custom wooden desk made by a cabinetmaker or carpenter can be an excellent solution. Moreover, this allows you to precisely adapt it to your needs (surface, number of drawers, etc.), the space you have, and to have a perfectly unique piece of furniture.

Now that you have all the elements concerning the dimensions of your desk, all you have to do is choose one with style.

How to choose the type and style of desk?

The choice of desk is particularly important as it largely determines the atmosphere of your workspace. Depending on your preferences, the price you are willing to pay, and how you intend to use it, different types and styles are available.

  • For a classic and timeless interior, a rectangular desk made of solid wood will bring a sturdy and elegant touch. And for a more modern and streamlined design, a white desk with lacquered wood can be a beautiful option.
  • If you're short on space, consider an ingenious corner desk that will optimize your space.
  • For a bold decor, dare to use glass and metal with sleek and minimalist lines.
  • Or let your creativity speak by opting for a custom-made desk with a unique design that perfectly matches your storage needs (drawers, sliding shelf, etc.), ergonomics, and design preferences.

Whatever your aesthetic preferences, take the time to carefully consider the features you need. The essential thing is to have a workspace perfectly adapted to your needs and personality.

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