
Office design for start-ups in Paris: the secret to well-being and productivity

Olivier Dardenne
3 min2023-07-28

The layout of your offices has a real impact on the motivation and efficiency of your teams. So it's important not to neglect this aspect when setting up your start-up's premises.

Are you looking to fit out your start-up's offices in Paris? Are you wondering how to create a workspace that promotes well-being and productivity? Then you've come to the right place!

Design your office

The 3 current trends in office design for start-ups

Do you want to fit out your office but aren't sure how to go about it? It's true that fitting out an office isn't always a simple operation...

Don't worry, Deskeo is here to help you and gives you the 3 essential trends for successful office design.

1. Favour open, flexible spaces

The era of compartmentalised offices is over! Start-ups are now turning more towards open, flexible spaces, such as :

  • Open-plan offices
  • Flex offices
  • Coworking spaces.

This more airy and flexible configuration encourages communication between colleagues and promotes the sharing of ideas.

2. Create areas for relaxation and conviviality

A well-rested, relaxed team is a team that works better. That's why it's important to include areas dedicated to relaxation and conviviality when designing your offices.

You need to think about creating suitable spaces where your staff can :

  • relax
  • drink a coffee (or tea)
  • and chat informally

3. Turn to space optimisation and space-saving solutions

In a start-up, space is precious. So it's crucial to make the most of every m2.

The best solution is to opt for functional, space-saving furniture. This way, you can adapt the layout of your office to the specific needs of your employees.

How can you create a layout tailored to your start-up's needs?

Every start-up is unique, which is why it's essential to design your offices to suit your needs and those of your employees.

To create the perfect bespoke workspace you need to :

  • Take into account the needs of your team
  • Adapt each workspace to the profile of your employees
  • Find the perfect balance between budget and constraints.

Take your employees' needs into account

The first step is to assess your employees' needs and expectations. Ask them about their preferences when it comes to their workspace and note down the similarities and differences.

This little chart will help you to better understand what your employees want from their workspace.

Elements to be assessedExamples of employee needs and expectations
Flexibility and autonomyChoice of working time and place, possibility of teleworking, flex office.
Transparency and trustAccess to decisions taken within the organisation, open communication between teams, open space.
Communication toolsIntegration between different applications, facilitating exchanges with colleagues.
Physical characteristics of spacesAir quality, natural light, customised spaces, acoustic solutions.
Places for breaks and relaxationRelaxation zones, team-building activities, micro-naps.
Flex office and ergonomicsFlexible, non-attached offices, adapted workstations to prevent health problems.
Corporate culture and convivialityOffices that reflect the corporate culture and encourage interaction between employees.

Adapt workspaces to suit different profiles

Each employee profile needs a specific environment if they are to realise their full potential.

So it's essential to adapt the workspaces in your offices to enable everyone to feel at ease and be productive.

For example: an artistic team (graphic artists, designers, etc.) will prefer to work in :

  • a stimulating workspace
  • with equipment suitable for creative work
  • with bright colours and inspiring visual elements.

Conversely, a technical team (engineers, developers or researchers) will probably prefer :

  • a calm and serene environment
  • offices equipped with IT equipment suited to their work,
  • as well as private rooms where they can work without distraction.

That's why it's essential to assess the specific needs of each team in order to design a space that encourages their professional development.

Find the perfect balance between budget and constraints

As a manager, you know that it's sometimes difficult to meet all your staff's wishes in terms of furnishings while staying within budget.

Rest assured, all it takes is a bit of method. Here are 3 tips to help you find the perfect balance between budget and constraints:

  • Draw up a realistic budget for your office fit-out, taking into account the costs of furniture, equipment and any works.
  • Don't be afraid to be creative to optimise the use of space and make the most of every square metre.
  • Don't forget to consider scalable solutions that will allow you to adapt the layout of your offices as your start-up grows.

Our 3 tips for a successful fit-out

As you will have realised, the layout of your offices is one of the keys to your staff's well-being and productivity. The problem is, if you're not an expert in the field, it can be tricky to get it right.

Don't panic, here are our 3 tips for getting your office fit-out right every time.

1. Call in a fit-out expert (interior architect, designer, etc.)

Fitting out offices isn't always easy... So calling in a professional who specialises in office design is a great way to design a functional and inspiring workspace with ease.

Don't know where to turn? Look no further, you've already come to the right place!

At Deskeo, we offer to fit out your start-up's offices. We'll be with you every step of the way, guiding you in your choice of furniture, materials and colours to suit your needs and corporate culture.

So don't hesitate to contact us about fitting out your start-up's offices.

2. Choose the right location for your offices

The location of your offices is crucial to attracting talent and facilitating relations with your customers and partners.

To do this, it's essential to take into account factors such as :

  • proximity to public transport
  • the presence of parks and gardens
  • and the services and shops in the vicinity.

In Paris, for example, you can turn to districts such as :

  • le Marais
  • la Défense
  • or the Bourse district

3. Go for modular, upgradeable furniture

By definition, your start-up will evolve over time. So it's important to anticipate future developments and invest in furniture that can be upgraded, such as :

  • modular offices
  • adapted storage units
  • or removable partitions.

What to remember

In short, as you will have realised, the layout of your offices is at the heart of your start-up's success. So it's important not to neglect this aspect and to do everything you can to create a pleasant space that perfectly reflects the spirit of your company.

So don't wait any longer and design your offices in the image of your start-up! Need help with your project? Don't panic, Deskeo is there for you! Our teams will help you design a workspace where it's great to work and grow together.

In short, as you will have realised, the layout of your offices is at the heart of your start-up's success. So it's important not to neglect this aspect and to do everything you can to create a pleasant space that perfectly reflects the spirit of your company.

So don't wait any longer and design your offices in the image of your start-up! Need help with your project? Don't panic, Deskeo is there for you! Our teams will help you design a workspace where it's great to work and grow together.

Professional office design with deskeo.

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